Publications by Andrei Komolkin

page in Russian


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Web of Science ResearcherID: H-7319-2013

Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): 0000-0002-3577-1978

SCOPUS: 6603026896


List of contributions (not completed yet)

List of contributions which includes papers in Russian is here.

  1. Enisa Selimovic, Andrei V. Komolkin, Andrei V. Egorov, Tanja Soldatovic. Substitution behavior of square-planar and square-pyramidal Cu(II) complexes with bio-relevant nucleophiles. // Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Accepted author version posted online: 26 Mar 2018.

  2. V. I. Chizhik, Y. S. Chernyshev, A. V. Donets, V. V. Frolov, A. V. Komolkin, M. G. Shelyapina. Magnetic Resonance and Its Applications. - Springer (Cham, Heidelberg, N. Y., Dordrecht, London), 2014. 788 Pages.

  3. Gerts E. D., Komolkin A. V., Burmistrov V. A., Alexandriysky V. V., Dvinskikh S. V. Comparative study of local structure of two cyanobiphenyl liquid crystals by molecular dynamics method ‐ // J. Chem. Phys., 2014, Vol. 141, No. 7, p. 074503 (7 pages)

  4. Neverov V. S., Komolkin A. V. Coarse-grain model of the benzene ring with para-substituents in the molecule // J. Chem. Phys., 2012, Vol. 136, No. 9, p. 094102 (14 pages)

  5. Neverov V. S., Komolkin A. V. A study of the structural and thermodynamic properties of water by the molecular dynamics method // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2010, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 217-226.

  6. El'ts E. E., Komolkin A. V., Kutulya L. A., Pivnenko N. S. The mutual influence of a liquid crystalline medium and chiral dopants of 1R,4R-n-mentane-3-one 2-arylidene derivatives dissolved in it // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2007. Volume 81, Number 11. PP. 1804-1809.

  7. Egorov A. V., Komolkin A. V., Lyubartsev A. P. Laaksonen A. First and Second Hydration Shell of Ni2+ Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations // Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 2006. Volume 115, Numbers 2-3. PP. 170-176.

  8. Kamanina N. V., Komolkin A. V., Yevlampieva N. P. Variation of the orientational order parameter in a nematic liquid crystal-COANP-C70 composite structure // Technical Physics Letters. 2005. Volume 31, Number 6. PP. 478-480.

  9. Egorov A. V., Komolkin A. V., Chizhik V. I., Yushmanov P. V., Lyubartsev A. P., Laaksonen A. Temperature and Concentration Effects on Li+-Ion Hydration. A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study // J. Phys. Chem. B, 2003, Vol. 107, No. 14, pp 3234-3242.

  10. Chizhik V. I., Egorov A. V., Komolkin A. V., Vorontsova A. A. Microstructure and dynamics of electrolyte solutions containing polyatomic ions by NMR relaxation and molecular dynamics simulation // Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2002, Volumes 98-99. PP. 173-182.

  11. Crain J., Komolkin A. V. Simulating molecular properties of liquid crystals // Advances in Chemical Physics, 1999, vol. 109, p. 39-113.